12 The fastest way from concept to BIM with Homemaker, Topologic, and BlenderBIM with Bruno Postle

In this episode we talk with Bruno Postle, the maker behind Homemaker. Homemaker is an addon for Blender that uses Topologic's non manifold mesh algorithms, that allows you to model a low poly mesh and assign specific "patterns" and almost instanteniously turn that into an IFC BIM model in Blender. You will learn about his inspiration of creating homemaker based on Cristopher Alexander's A Pattern Language. Bruno is trained as an architect assisting large scale sculptors with realising and building their designs.

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If you would like to learn more about how to use Blender for architectural design, visit UH Studio Design Academy for courses that will help you improve your efficiency and effectiveness, by incorporating Blender in your design workflows.

The UH Studio Architecture Podcast is Hosted by Dimitar Pouchikov and covers topics on architectural design, computational design, open-source tools, and balance of mental health and wellbeing.

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